Real Estate News: Major Changes in Real Estate Financing;
The last few weeks have seen major changes in the mortgage market. The crisis in the sub-prime market has produced a major contraction in mortgage money. As with most things in life, every action tends to cause a predictable reaction. Pendulums swing both directions. The balance to the sub prime mess is difficulty for credit worthy people to obtain mortgages. It is true that mortgage money is in fact available for qualified homeowners.
The first part of March saw some major changes. One of the challenges has been
the rate difference between conventional rates and jumbo rates, mortgages above 417k.
The jumbo rates had grown to almost a full point, one percent above conventional rates. For example, if you were borrowing 415k your rate might be 5.5% in a 30 year mortgage. If however, you needed to borrow 430k, the fixed rate would be closer to 6.5%. The difference in mortgage rates, historically would have between .25% and .33% higher, not 1.0%. This impacts the month cost of a mortgage.
Conventional Mortgage limits are regulated by the GSEs, Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae.
As part of the economic stimulus package that Congress just approved, there was a provision to increase the GSE mortgage ceilings. Fortunately, all of Rhode Island was increased from $417,000 to $475,000. This means you can borrow up to 475k at the lower rates. This will help to stabilize prices. It will have significant impact in East Greenwich where the average sales price is just over 500K.
What was even more encouraging was the change in the FHA limits. FHA has historically been the source of funding for people with limited cash and who would not fit conforming underwriting criteria. FHA was super ceded by sub prime financing. Sub prime is essentially gone now. FHA will be the alternative. The limits for mortgage have been increased from 316k to 475k for single family, $608,100 for two families, $735,050 for three families, and $913,450. for a four family. The higher limits do come with a change in the amount down. Prior to 5 March 2008 you could finance a property with 3% down, now you will need 5% down. You may need more or may need to re negotiate the purchase price if the appraisal does not come in at the agreed upon price. Appraisals are critical now. The FHA program will have most value beyond East Greenwich. FHA is also a great tool for people who need to get out of sub prime mortgages and need a ‘flexible’ alternative.
If you are looking to finance a new purchase or re finance a house get some professional advice from someone who know the new financing choices. It is much better now than it was a week ago, but get expert advice, it will make a huge difference.
Realtors are really encouraged by these changes. It will help move us back into a normal market. A normal market can be either a buyers market or a sellers market. But is a normal market, credit worthy buyers can obtain fairly priced mortgage money. It is a good time to buy a house and obtain a mortgage. Just get professional advice: Call a Realtor!
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