Monday, November 19, 2007

Our National Association of Realtors Installation Toast

Joel Singer, CEO of the California Association, and I delivered this Toast at the 2008 Officers Installation in Las Vegas:

The National Association of REALTORS is just like a great symphony. The music that we collectively create enjoys great volume, intricate rhythms, and breathtaking harmony. The balance between instrument and voice is inspiring and heartwarming. Although our volunteer leaders select the music and provide the brilliant sound, it is the orchestra, our professional staff, who bring it to life.

As we celebrate and salute our friend Dick Gaylord upon his installation as the 100th President of the National Association of REALTORS, we all recognize that great conductors inspire and liberate the best in all the people they touch. Through compassion, energy and enthusiasm they transform inspiration into excellence. Few individuals have inspire as many people as Dick Gaylord. He has and will continue to conduct our symphony and to perfect the relationship between volunteer leaders and dedicated staff. Let us raise our glasses to salute Dick and all of organized Real Estate's professional staff. Let us seal our commitment to an extraordinary pursuit of the perfect REALTOR sound.

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