Friday, November 02, 2007

Rhode Island Why's and Why Nots

Familiarity breeds complacency. One of the advantages of being a Rhode Islander is having a critical eye and a loud voice, (albeit with an unusual accent). Every so often as you look around, it makes sense to ask why or rather “why not.”

My travels have produced some unrelated observations:

1. Why aren’t the traffic lights on Route 2 timed so that traffic flows freely? Have you noticed in Florida, or Kansas, or Indiana that the lights are timed to facilitate the flow traffic if you are traveling the speed limit?
2. Why do we clean the breakdown lanes in the latter part of the summer, rather than early? As a state with a significant number of cyclists, winter sand and glass is a real problem. Removing the sand early in the year translates to safer cycling.
3. Why do we have a shortage of RIPTA buses and service when we are trying to encourage the use of public transportation?
4. Why does the light on Main Avenue at the end of the Green Airport Runway cycle to red when no one is there?
5. Why don’t we use EZPass on the Newport Bridge?
6. Why are Rhode Islanders trained to make left hand turns in front of on-coming traffic?
7. Why are directional signals optional use equipment on Rhode Island cars?
8. Why aren’t the lines on the streets and curbs clearly marked for safe driving and to avoid parking tickets? How far from the corner in Providence do you need to park to avoid a ticket?
9. Upon the thirtieth anniversary of the Great Blizzard of 1978 do we still get bread and milk when snow is forecast?
10. Why do Rhode Islanders always include references to landmarks that are no longer there? “Turn left in front of where Jolly Johns used to be? It just past where the Warwick Tent used to be?
11. What happened to talking to your neighbor about a disagreement rather than calling an attorney?
12. How many former Rhode Island Governors are currently legal residents of Rhode Island?
13. Why does Rhode Island have 17000 state employees to serve 1000000 people, when Tennessee has the same number of employees to serve 5000000?
14. Why do we have 30 school districts rather than five?
15. With 1 in 150 elementary school kids being diagnosed with Autism, why aren’t we outraged and coming up with a Statewide response to providing and funding this ‘special need?
16. Why does it take so long to get approvals to build in Rhode Island?
17. Why are so many street signs missing?
18. Why can’t URI come up with a no water, slow growing green grass?
19. Why don’t we have more individual home wind mills to generate power?
20. Why do the delivery truck double park on Main Street East Greenwich across from Each other to create traffic? Where are the police then?

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